Starting a new year provides a great opportunity for reflection. Thoughts and gratitude for the year that has passed. Wishes and dreams for what lies ahead. Perhaps also a new surrender to God at the start of a new season. "Blank sheets" and all that.

I've been thinking about two Bible verses for the first few days of 2024.

Paul says in Phil 3:13: But one thing I do: I forget what is behind and reach for what is ahead.

It's nice to look back in order to move forward. My 2023 is full of good memories. Good human encounters. Good experiences. Important conversations. There are also some experiences I could have done without. A few rounds of illness, a tough period at work with reorganization and downsizing. Challenging relationships.

Sometimes we need to process some of the past before we are ready to move on. Other times, it's the good memories that can and should be looked back on. In gratitude, and because remembering what we have experienced in the past creates faith for new answers to prayer.

The people of Israel had a good habit here. When they faced challenges, they often prayed to God together, reminding God and each other of what He had done for them in the past. It created something in them, a belief that He could do it again. So by all means look back, it can be important for the continuation!

But then it's important to look forward. Reach for what lies ahead. What God has for us in the new year. New experiences and encounters with people. New exciting challenges. New encounters with God.

What do you dream of for 2024? What do you want God to do with you? What do you want to get more into? What has God put on your heart that you want to see more of in the future? Dare to reach for it!

The other Bible verse I've been thinking about is Jeremiah 29:11, one of my many favorites.

"For I know the thoughts that I have toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil. I will give you a future and a hope."

An English translation says "thoughts and plans". It's nice to know that God is both thinking about me and has plans for me. Good plans. Even though things can happen that are not in line with His good plans. We also know that He is the one who can change situations, and the one who walks with us through everything, even the times when it doesn't look like He is doing anything about the situations we encounter. What a security it is to put life and everything it entails in His hands! He who has only good thoughts and plans for me and for each of us.

It lifts the perspective, at the start of a new year!

What do I dream of for 2024?

I dream of connecting even more with God in my everyday life. Go deeper and longer with Him. do more of what I know He has called me to. I dream of seeing people meet Jesus for the first time and for the last time. I dream of being able to make a small difference in someone's life in my everyday life. And a few more things that can be between God and me 

Happy new year!

- Ingfrid Mundal, Bodø 10/01-24

Photo by Danil Aksenov on

What do you dream of for 2024? What do you want God to do with you? What do you want to get more into?



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