Value Document

Purpose and scope of the value document

The mission of the value document is to provide a detailed description of women in Network (KiN) values for our employees and leaders. The document is intended for our international Board of directors, international leaders, national leaders, regional leaders, mission leaders, as well as our volunteer staff who in various ways represent KiN publicly.

Women in the network motto: "Women of God in Freedom Unity and diversity".
Kin's vision: "We are a cast-off Christian Foundation, which has a call to convey revival, freedom, and armament to women. Through events and networking, we will inspire the individual to wholeheartedly worship and the succession of Jesus Christ. We will convey a godslov that transforms human life – locally and globally. "

Our Foundation

Our foundation is the word of God as we face it in the Bible. The Bible is the Supreme and final authority of every question that has with Christian faith and life to do. Through the Biblical writings, God reveals His will with our lives.

Women in network leaders and employees are committed to the Apostolic Creed.
KiN endorses Lausannepact.
KiN is a joint Christian foundation, with no confellational affiliation with one denomination.

Our values

In Doctrine and life we will convey the freedom of the woman that Jesus liberating works on the cross brought about. The salvation work at Golgata is central to the foundation's dissemination.

Women in the network emphasises that the individual leader and employee is given the privilege of living a life of prayer and worship.

We will promote a close, active, trusting, and daily relationship with the word of God.

Women in networking are common Christian in basic posture and want to inspire and serve the local church. By virtue of being joint Christian work, we will foster dialogue and cooperation between wards, communities and organisations locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

The local congregation and community is essential for belonging and growth, and is the natural expression of the Kingdom of God at the individual local place.

We will stand for a generosity in our labors; "In the small things freedom, in the great things of unity and in all things Love".

Women in Network leaders practice in work and minds a ministering leadership. We want to have a profound respect for all that God has laid down in the individual woman, and we are surrendered to see each one come into all that God has for her.

KIN wants to promote a view that man and woman are equal and have a common mission in and demonstrate a true image of God's character.

We are relationship-oriented in our working form. Our conferences, groups and business expressions seek to promote warm, safe and dynamic relationships.

Within women in network purposes and values, the individual group is given considerable freedom. We want to create a large space for initiative, dedication and voluntary efforts.

As a Christian foundation, we are missionary in our basic attitude and expression. KIN is involved in various mission projects that facilitate education, health, sponsor schemes for children and families, assistance for self-help, well drilling and building and operating home for orphans and more.


In the ethical questions, we obtain our direction from the Bible, concretized in the Ten Commandments, the Love commandment, and the admonitions of the New Testament.
Because life is inviolable, KIN says no to abortion and active death aid.
Women in networking account for the traditional and biblical views on the community, where the framework for marriage is between man and woman.
Substance abuse is incompatible with involvement in women in the network.
Women in networking as a foundation impose confidentiality for our leaders and employees..

We believe


We meet

Meeting Point

We give

Missionary work



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