Today I have got Wenche Mosskull to share an experience with us:

It was one of the darkest and coldest winter days of January and we had decided to meet a family of friends for bowling and dinner to do something light-hearted and pleasant together. To be honest, the last few months had been quite challenging with little daylight, a lot of weather, busyness, children with chronic illness and distance in relationships due to COVID 19. In addition, I quickly approached the magic number 40, and I had begun to philosophize over where I was in life and on where I wanted to go. Almost all my life, there are some thoughts that have chased me, and stressed me out, almost more than anything else. "Am I in God's plan with my life?" "Am I where he wants me?"  "What about the visions and dreams that I have carried for over 20 years — how am I doing?!"  With these thoughts and the goal of a long-awaited meeting with good friends, bowling and good food, we entered the café and settled down on two tables, as close to each other as we were allowed to sit. It was both bowling, good food and a nice time. It's so good to have friends with whom we can share life itself. Friends that we know can withstand hearing both ups and downs and everything in between. We talked about everything and nothing, but also about what matters most. Relationship and God's unconditional love. We talked about God's initiative to us humans. That His love for us is unwavering. I shared my thoughts about the fact that I was soon a "good adult" and my concern and my struggles over where I was with all my plans—or God's plans? for my life.... There was a brief immediate response. I choose to believe that it didn't just come from my friend's mouth alone.

"YOU'RE the plan!"

I've been pondering this sentence. It's come back to me time and time again afterwards. It gives me such peace! Man is the plan! The relationship with you and me is the plan! In this is the rest. In this is love. We can strive, chase, and stress with God's plan for our lives and everything we will accomplish for Him. If we lose the deep contact, the relationship, yes what is the very foundation, what will be the content of what we are going to accomplish then? Won't there be dead deeds? Won't there be empty words and a house that's being built without a foundation?

Let us rest with Him who created us. He knows us better than anyone else. It's wonderful how God can meet us. When we least expect it. On the bowling. His initiative. He's chasing us with his unconditional love. Where we are. You're the plan! You are the plan for His love. It was you and I who were the plan when he sent Jesus to die for our sins. What an initiative. What a God we have.

I have become less concerned with what I will accomplish for God. I have become more concerned with letting myself be loved by Him. From the outset—that we love because He loved us first—we can serve God and people—where we find ourselves with our everyday lives at all times.

For without love we can do nothing.


– Wenche Egeland, Kr.sand 17/3-21


The rest of being God's plan takes away all the stress of finding it.

Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash



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