Wadi Arugot Israel
Wadi Arugot Israel


Sept 16-23, 2024





Fantastic trip to Israel

Join us on exciting experiences with Jesus at the center!
Date: 27/3 - 6/4 2025

Sign up here HERE

This will be a trip for sporty adults who enjoy nature experiences and are in good physical shape. We will be hiking in sometimes challenging terrain.
Samples from the program can be found here. The full program will be released over the summer.

Lake Genesaret and experience Mary Magdalene's city Magdala, Capernaum the city of Jesus and Tabgha where Jesus did many miracles.Yad Vashem Holocost museum, meal and prayer vigil in JHOPFAN by Kate and Tom Hess, Jerusalem, Old City, singing in St. Anna's church, praying at the Western Wall and communion celebration in the Tomb Garden.

Spectacular and tough hike in Wadi Arugot by the Dead Sea at Ein Gedi. Bathing in the Dead Sea at the oasis of Ein Bokek.

Visiting our Jewish friends in Beer Sheba, hiking in the Negev desert.

End your trip in Eilat on the Red Sea.

Management team: Elin L. and Geir Fagerbakke and Mette V. and Roger Sørensen

Price kr. 29.950,-
Included: return flights, accommodation w/breakfast and dinner, transportation, entrance fees where needed.
Not included: other meals, travel insurance

Registration: click HERE

Networking gives hope — our mission projects

India Youth in Mission's women's work in northern India was started in 2005. Women in Network support women's work directly, and are largely helping to fund the annual women's conference. We also support a UiO team in south Delhi, working in three different slum areas where they run schools, kindergarten, medical clinic, relief work and house wards. [...]

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