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Dato: 4. – 6. april 2025
Sted: Evangeliehuset Porsgrunn
Taler: Rachel Hickson
Lovsang: May Linda Johansen
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Litt om Rachel Hickson:
Rachel established Heartcry Ministries back in 1990 and is the Founding Director. She lives in Oxford, UK, with her husband, Gordon.
They have been married for over 40 years and have 2 children and 6 grandchildren. Rachel grew up in India and then married Gordon and together they have lived in many different nations.
Rachel travel internationally, training leaders, speaking at conferences, strengthening the Church and love the diversity of our different cultures. Rachel is the author of 11 books, writing on prayer, the prophetic gift, and devotional guides. She carry a passion to see God touch the lives of people with His power and love. Rachel should have died after a terrible road accident in Africa in 1984 but was miraculously healed. So she now love to watch treasures hidden in dark places find life and get restored.
Sted: Evangeliehuset Porsgrunn, Telemark
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