This is a prophetic message that was received at the Women's Conference in November 2008. We hope that God will encourage you and speak to your heart as you read it.

“This is the time when I will show my glory to my people, and I will let you go! I bring you together in this time and you should know that I am pleased that you are gathering. I rejoice and I long to be with you to show my glory and love to you. I muster a fearless army of women in the land who are called by my name and who have decided to walk fully with me.

Know that the collections you have had over the years have been building blocks in this pattern. I have visited you and shown you a way in the midst of darkness. It has been a time of purification, redress and character building, but know that out of all this I am now building a new and unbeatable army of women in this country. There is no betrayal in them. They will keep my commandments and my laws and the spirit of my power will overflow them so that they become torches of fire in every place where they live. I will listen to their prayers and help them to their right and my name will be glorified and the people will rejoice in the good! ”



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